💰Revenue Sharing

How does revenue sharing work?
  • Must hold a minimum of 100000 DEXBOT tokens.

  • No staking or lockup. Just hold the tokens.

  • Revenue share is distributed in ETH by default.

  • Claiming rewards claims all available unclaimed rewards and requires a minimum of 0.1 ETH accumulated.

  • You can sell or transfer up to 200000 DEXBOT every reward epoch (2 hours) without penalty. If you exceed this amount, all unclaimed rewards will be forfeited back into the rewards pool. This does not apply to referral rewards.

  • To claim your rewards, connect to your wallet on the rewards dashboard.

What is my revenue share comprised of?
  • 40% of all bot transaction fees incurred.

  • 1% of all DEXBOT volume traded.

  • Must hold at least 100000 $DEXBOT tokens.

How do I claim my revenue sharing rewards?

To claim your rewards, connect to your wallet on the rewards dashboard.

Why can't I connect my wallet to the rewards dashboard?

We currently can only guarantee support for Metamask and tokenpocket wallet. If you are having issues, make sure that any web wallet extension other than Metamask is disabled in your browser (e.g. Phantom wallet).

Last updated